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The Cost Of Getting In A Vehicle Accident

Posted on February 20, 2016 by Daniel at 8:17 am

There are many costs when it comes to getting into a vehicle accident, which is why it is always important to pay full attention to the road and the other drivers around you when you are traveling. The costs aren’t just limited to the damage done to your vehicle.

Part of the costs may be covered by your car insurance, but there will still be plenty of out of pocket expenses depending on the type of accident or how bad the accident was. You could even find yourself in court for a myriad of reasons. Here are a few of the things that are costly about vehicle accidents.

Car Repairs And/Or Replacement

Insurance should cover the repairs on your vehicle, and they may even cover the repairs on other vehicles in the accident with you, if you are at fault. However, this all depends on the coverage you have chosen to take out on your car, truck, or van.

If you limited what you cover, and don’t have full coverage, you may find a big chunk of money coming out of your own pocket. And, if you were irresponsible enough to drive your vehicle without insurance things will get even more expensive, including the fines for not having insurance.

Hospital Stays And Job Loss

Car damage isn’t the only thing that can happen when you are in an automobile accident. People can get hurt, or even killed, as well. Your ambulance ride is going to cost you money, as well as the stay at the hospital. Even a simple trip to the family doctor for whiplash isn’t cheap.

You should have bodily harm coverage on your insurance, but it also helps to make sure you have regular medical insurance as well. You should have insurance particularly if you are a motorcycle rider, as motorcyclists are more likely to be involved in a serious accident on the road, whether you are to blame or not. If the accident you were injured in wasn’t your fault, you may wish to get in touch with someone like this Colorado motorcycle accident lawyer to see if they could help you get some compensation to cover the costs of your treatment, as well as other expenses.

Court And Damage Fees

If you were in a major accident, or the accident then you may be in need of an Austin truck accident lawyer or similar to help you navigate the legal processes. Because if the accident involved a death, drug use, or even alcohol, then you could be facing some time in court, and maybe even some time in jail. Legal fees are not cheap, and you will be spending money not only on lawyer fees but also court fees, bail money, and more.

On top of all of that, you may be required to pay for damages to the other person’s vehicle or body, and if you don’t have the right insurance, or no insurance at all, that will all come straight out of your pocket (or garnished from your paychecks each week if you can’t afford the lump sum).

When you do get into an accident, take notes and make sure that you get insurance info from the person(s) whose vehicles were also involved in it, even if it was just a simple fender bender. Being a safe driver sometimes isn’t enough, especially when you have no control over the other drivers on the road.

Insights on money, career and trading