If you are the ideal weight for your height, then going on a diet just to save money would not be a solution as it could lead to health issues. However, for anyone who feels they want to shed a few pounds, dieting can be a way to a healthier life and a healthier bank balance.
One way to keep money in the pocket is to eat less processed and fast foods. With takeaways on almost every street corner of towns and cities across the UK, fast food is a fast way to an empty bank account. Every adult in Britain spends an average of £110 per month – a staggering £1,320 per year – on fast food products and meals. This equates to 12 meals every month packed full of fat and calories which are also expensive and could be prepared at home at a much lower cost (http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2303861/Takeaway-UK-Average-Brit-spending-1-320-year-fastfood-buying-12-meals-month.html).
For those who cite a busy lifestyle as the reason for buying a large number of takeaway meals, looking at the health effects of eating them could be a good way to deter many from the ease of picking up the phone for a mid-evening delivery. A pizza for one person can be at least 800 calories, packed full of salt and even if it’s a vegetarian option the amount of vegetables used as a topping may not equate to even one of the five recommended portions a day. Buying fresh food is always healthier and for anyone who needs to go shopping to fill the fridge with healthy food but finds funds limited, talking to a company which offers payday loans such as wonga.ca could be the solution. This would need to be an emergency situation, but if it can kick-start a new life, then it’s a consideration to make.
For anyone who has decided they want to save money and lose weight, the diet industry is full of different plans, groups, programmes and books on how to lose the pounds and keep them off.
Traditionally, attending a slimming class has been a way of staying focused because of the group meeting and weigh-in each week. Going to the classes each week though can add up financially, with an initial joining fee and the weekly class cost. There are lots of ways to gain the support of a group who are also on the same diet plan by looking online at forums. By becoming part of an online community, there is no charge for meeting up with other members because everyone meets at their virtual class. There are often group challenges and there are also people to talk to at any time of the day or night – unlike the once a week face to face meetings.
Taking exercise – for free of course – is a great way to save money, keep fit and lose weight. Whilst walking around the local shopping centre could be classed as exercise, the number of purchases made are not a healthy way to keep the bank balance in the black. A great way to see the benefit of using spare time to get fit, lose weight and keep money in your purse is to start a free online diet and fitness diary using a site like myfitnessplan.com or one of the many other free resources online. Using a food diary doubles the amount of weight lost because it is seen as a great motivator.
Losing weight will ward off conditions such as diabetes and obesity and by exercising regularly and talking to newly found online friends, the temptation to spend will be less. Saving money by going on a diet is a win-win situation.