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Relieving Some Of The Cost Of Recovery With Alternative Therapy

Posted on May 25, 2016 by Daniel at 7:18 pm

Rehab isn’t cheap, but then again, neither is addiction. It could actually save you a lot of money to get clean. However, you’ve already spent a good deal of money on your addiction, which may be leaving you strapped for cash when it comes to getting the help you need in order to get clean.

You do need rehab, it’s the one place that you can truly get clean. It pays to look into things and see if it’s possible your insurance will cover any of the costs. Once you’ve gotten through rehab your recovery will continue though.

Using Holistic Approaches

There is something to be said about the way that spirituality and prayer can help people heal. It gives you something to focus on and opens your soul and body up to healing through something else, a higher power or the universe, depending on how you want to look at it.

If stress is one of your triggers when it comes to drinking, smoking, shopping, or even doing drugs, your key to staying recovered is to avoid stress, or at least find new ways to lessen it. You can do that with holistic and alternative therapies, like aromatherapy and massage. Massage therapy is now covered by many health insurances.

Taking Care Of Your Health

Taking care of your health all around is a great way to save money on addiction recovery, and do things the natural way. Addiction to any kind of substance, whether it’s drugs or alcohol, can seriously damage our health. You may have liver damage and more, which can mean expensive medical bills.

However, if you start living a healthier lifestyle you can reverse some of that damage naturally. Everyone needs to eat, so by making healthy food choices you won’t be spending extra money, but you will work on getting your health back on track and staying clean. The cleaner the foods you eat the healthier you will be. You can also try herbal and home remedies that are proven to have beneficial effects on your health. The many lion’s mane uses, for example, range from treating cancer to depression to diabetes.

You can also use things like aromatherapy, herbal therapy, and even meditation to help stay strong and clean. If stress is one of your triggers, as mentioned above, you can use aromatherapy to relieve much of your stress. Even drinking some chamomile tea, which is practicing herbalism in essence, can help you relax.

Meditation is absolutely free and it can do more than just help you relax. Regular guided meditations (look some up online) can help you change your mindset and pull you away from addiction and those needs. It’s an easy and free way to help fight your cravings and get you past that need to get high or drunk.

Recovery isn’t cheap, in more ways than one. You may need to let go of friends as well as cash, but the friends you lose are likely ones that helped you get lost in your addiction in the first place. Take what you can to help yourself get clean when it comes to natural treatments, whether you become a tea drinker or you start going to church every week. Work what works for you.

Insights on money, career and trading