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Insights on money, career and trading

How To Pay For Home Improvements

Posted on November 4, 2015 by Daniel at 1:50 am


Are you looking to redesign or redecorate your home before the end of the year? Perhaps you want to repaint the kitchen? Maybe you need to replace the plumbing in the bathroom? You might even be thinking about installing some Adelaide doors or similar to jazz up your home? Either way, you’re probably wondering what you can do to pay for the job. Even if you handle most of the work yourself, you’re still going to need materials to make your property look amazing. All that paint and wallpaper doesn’t come cheap. Some of you might even want to make structural changes to the home, and they can cost thousands. At least one of the suggestions below should be suitable, regardless of your personal financial situation.



Remortgage your property

Remortgaging your home might be a great move if you need thousands of pounds. Just contact your current provider and ask about the deals they can offer. You should also contact alternative mortgage providers to make inquiries. The only downside to remortgaging your property is that you will go back to square one when it comes to paying off the debt. However, some people feel getting the money they need now is more important. At the end of the day, you can probably still clear your debt to the bank before you retire. So, it shouldn’t make too much difference to your life.

Pay on credit cards

The best thing about paying for home improvements on credit cards is that you won’t have to find all the money at the same time. You can simply purchase all the goods with your cards, and then pay the minimum balance every month. That means your cash flow shouldn’t suffer too much, and you can still get everything you need. Just make sure you search for credit cards that offer good rates of interest. Anything over 20% will mean you end up paying back lots more than you borrowed. Bear that in mind when making your selection.

Get a loan

Secured or unsecured personal loans are a fantastic way of getting the cash you need quickly. There are many different providers around today, and so you just need to choose a reputable brand. In most instances, it’s wise to go for a company you’ve encountered before. Maybe you’ve seen a loan provider advertising on TV? Larger companies are more likely to meet the standards set out by the government. They are under more scrutiny, and so you can be sure to get a fair deal. The best thing about unsecured loans is that you won’t lose your home if something goes wrong. However, you’ll usually get better rates if you use your assets as collateral.

Those three options are by far the most popular with people in your situation. We all want our homes to look as luxurious and comfortable as possible. There is no getting away from the fact that achieving our goals will take a lot of hard work. At least now you know some of the best methods for getting the cash you require. Of course, you can also wait a few months and try to save the money. Anyone who is already in debt should consider that option. There is no point digging yourself an even bigger hole when you are already in trouble.


Insights on money, career and trading