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Insights on money, career and trading

3 Tips for Running A Side Hustle While Working Full Time

Posted on July 23, 2018 by Daniel at 10:33 pm

There’s a huge number of people throughout the world that dream of one day being their own boss. While it’d be great if you could just wake up one morning and have a successful business on your hands, this isn’t the reality for anyone. In order to have a successful business of your own, you have to start from the ground up. For most people, this is a long and drawn out process that can make months or even years. During this time, you’ve still got to somehow be bringing some money in for yourself, which is why many businesses start as a side hustle. So to help ensure that your side hustle can become your sole profession one day, here are three tips for running a side hustle while working full time. (more…)

Stretching Your Dollars during Gift-Giving Season

Posted on July 23, 2018 by Daniel at 1:19 pm

Those of us who take our gift-giving exploits extremely seriously could perhaps do with the motivation and discipline to start planning for the gifts we want to buy well in advance, with up to a year in advance making for the best approach. The most significant reason for this is that of how items for sale which typically make for great gifts are available so much cheaper when they’re bought during a time at which they’re not typically sought as gifts. (more…)

Earning Some Extra Cash On the Side

Posted on July 23, 2018 by Daniel at 10:25 am

Admit it. You could use a little bit of extra money. Everyone could. It’s the nature of the human condition that whatever we have, we always feel like we could handle a little bit more, especially when it comes to something like money. That’s why everyone is always searching for ways to earn some extra cash on the side.


Construction Tech-Startups Are Changing Construction Business for Good

Posted on July 13, 2018 by Daniel at 7:43 am

Entrepreneurship and competition are always good for a developing industry, seeing as how they urge people to become more assertive, innovate and become more customer-friendly. However, in industries that require a more substantial investment, it was incredibly hard for a small business to thrive since their larger counterparts offered services they could not match. For ages, the construction industry was the epitome of this notion but then, recently, the trend of tech-startups showed promise of changing all of this once and for all. Here are a few ways in which this is supposed to work. (more…)

3 Ideas To Help You Save Money On A Daily Basis

Posted on July 11, 2018 by Daniel at 8:59 am

While most people can think of big, expansive ways that they can save themselves money in the long run, it’s often harder to think about things you can do on a daily basis to cut down on your spending. But when you break your spending down to a daily amount, you’ll see just how much money you could be saving if you spent just a little less every day. So to help you find a way to start doing this for yourself, here are three ideas that just might help you save money on a daily basis. (more…)

3 Ways to Know If You’re Getting A Good Deal On Your Mortgage Loan

Posted on July 5, 2018 by Daniel at 10:44 am

Because purchasing a home is going to affect your financial future for years or even decades to come, it’s going to be very worth your while to ensure that you’re getting a good deal on this transaction. However, since this is something that most people only do a few times in their life, if that, not many people feel that they’re very knowledgeable about what constitutes a good deal or what they can do to make the deal more beneficial to them. So to help those who find themselves in this situation, here are three ways you can know if you’re getting a good deal on your mortgage loan. (more…)

Insights on money, career and trading