Dreaming of a Premium Bond jackpot?
Posted on
October 2, 2013 by
Daniel at
2:18 am
Millions of Premium Bond customers who daydream about winning big are facing a reality check as their chances of landing a cash prize are about to get slimmer.
Premium Bonds offer some of the excitement of a flutter on the horses for the risk-averse. The government-backed savings products are tax-free, 100 per cent secure because they are backed by the Treasury and, unlike many savings accounts, you can take your money out when you like without a penalty. For their 22 million customers, it is hard to put a price on the possibility, however distant it might be, of winning the £1 million jackpot and being able to pay off the mortgage or even give up work. If you have ever owned bonds you are probably familiar with the thrill of recognising the envelope on your doormat and anticipating whether it will contain a cheque for £25 or news that you have won a life-changing sum. For this reason, many are willing to forgo any return at all on their savings during the months or even years that they do not win prizes. For those savers, the barren periods in between winnings are about to get longer.
Understanding the New Current Account Switch Service
Posted on
October 1, 2013 by
Daniel at
1:00 pm
With the launch of the new current account switch service, there is no better time to change your bank; it’s quicker and easier than ever before and your bank does most of the work for you!
Slash Your Outgoings Ahead of Winter
Posted on
September 19, 2013 by
Daniel at
12:29 pm
If you’ve had a hectic and expensive summer you might be wondering how you’re going to get through winter without over relying on a credit card. With Christmas on the way and inevitably chillier weather too it might be worth cutting back costs in a few ways, so here are some ideas to help you achieve it:
Debt trap catches one in four borrowers
Posted on
September 18, 2013 by
Daniel at
2:15 am
One in four people who take out loans other than mortgages or student debt reckon they will take at least three years to pay off their borrowings. Seven per cent do not believe they will ever be debt-free.
Those are the key findings of a new study by uSwitch, the price comparison site. The study also revealed that, excluding mortgages and student loans, UK adults have debts averaging £2,423, rising to £3,385 for those aged 25 to 34. Men borrow more than women – £769 more last year – and high earners borrow more than those in lower wage brackets. Those earning £40,000 to £70,000 owed an average of £3,000 each.
What O’ Clock Are You? [Infographic]
Posted on
September 13, 2013 by
Daniel at
7:21 am
Alarm clocks of some kind have existed since people have had jobs and although we’re not always happy when that alarm clock slices through our gentle slumber, all of us agree that an alarm clock is a useful device.
However, not everyone has the same attitude towards their alarm clock and with many setting their alarm clock for the first time in weeks following the summer holidays, Onlineclock.net have created this fun infographic to help identify your alarm clock personality.
Career Advice: How to be a Teacher in the UK
Posted on
September 6, 2013 by
Daniel at
2:11 pm
Teaching is an incredibly fulfilling career to choose, and there are many different rewards which will ensure that you enjoy your job. It can be a challenging job, but alongside the frustrations, there are many incredible moments. If you are interested in becoming a teacher in the UK, or anywhere else for that matter, you may be confused where to begin.