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Insights on money, career and trading

Staying With the Times is Imperative to Making Money As A Business For These Reasons:

Posted on September 19, 2016 by Daniel at 4:23 pm

As a business, unless you’re a nonprofit, you exists for the purpose of making money. Even nonprofits need money to function. Money drives the world, everybody needs it to live, and without it, economies fail. When economies fail, it creates a ripple effect and other economies struggle. If they don’t all out fail, somebody else takes up the gap left by the country that imploded, and world relations change as power switches hands.

As a business, you have a hand in the play out of world economics. You’re contributing to the job market in your country. You’re putting money in circulation, and you’re hopefully improving the standard of living for everybody. Even though it’s your business, it’s actually not about you. Your actions in business affect the world. You need to make money to be of help. The way you do that is by staying with the times. Here is how you stay with the times and why it’s imperative:

Survival of the Fittest

Survival of the fittest is the process that defines evolution. Evolution happens over time and it affects everything. As technology evolves, the way that the world operates transforms into something unrecognizable. If you as a business are not doing all you can to be the most fist, baddest of the bunch-on top of every changing trend, you’ll get left behind. Event driven architecture is one of the most cutting-edge technologies you may adopt for your company (for more info, check vantiq.com/what-is-event-driven-architecture/). These technologies have the potential to improve consumer satisfaction and deliver real-time data analysis.

If you’re not using technology to improve customer interactions as a business, you’re behind the curve. If you’re not using your resources to increase production in every way possible, you’re behind the times. Spend what energy you have in the right places. You’ll be alive to reap the rewards as a business if you do this.


If you aren’t relative in the world you’re living in, you won’t get any attention. People want something to connect with. They want to give support to people and business they feel get them and understand what it’s like to live in today’s world. If you’re still operating off an old business plan and you’re starting to see the affects of that in sales or customer interactions, switch up your business model.

Fight for relevance in your business dealings. If you aren’t seeing that people want your product or service, find the product or service they do want. You can find how to be relevant by listening to the world around you and watching people and how they interact with one another. It’s as simple as opening your eyes and being willing to try something different than your norm.

If you’re afraid of change because it’s expensive, you’re in trouble. If you want to make money, you have to spend it, but it’s even more important that you spend it in the right places.

Insights on money, career and trading