We can’t all be born into financial privilege. Some of us have to really push ourselves to not mimic the lives of our predecessors. Just because you weren’t born into financial security, most certainly does not mean that you will have to stay in that state of poverty for the rest of your life. It is possible to move up in class, and people do it every day.
If you’re not really financially capable of building opportunities for yourself in life, but you’re drive to succeed is strong, then you’ve come to the right place. Here are a few ways you can break the mold of poverty, and rise above your predetermined financial situation.
Education is most definitely the key to success
Building the strength of your mind will open doors you never even considered. Education is truly a priceless possession. If you’re family does not have very much money, there is always a way to acquire the proper funding to pay for you to go to college. There are endless opportunities for grants, scholarships, and loans to pay for school. You just have to apply! Don’t let yourself miss out on a life-changing experience simply because you’re too lazy to figure out what to do. That’s really what makes the difference between those of us that make it out of poverty and those of us who do not. You have to work for it.
Be stubborn and push forward
If you were born into poverty, then you will understand this. You have to have a certain level of heartiness to withstand the amount of failure you may encounter before you find success. Don’t give up on your dreams. It may sound generic, but it’s %100 applicable. You can’t stop trying at the first sign of trouble. Nothing ever works, until it does!
First time homebuyers loans
In the United States, you get one sort of free pass to purchase your own home. There is a first-time homebuyer’s loan offered by the government that will allow you one chance to do it right. They will help you procure a modest home, but it’s yours. Keep up with the payments, and build your credit. Once you’re financially stable, sell the house, and move up. Use this as a foundation for building your homebase.
Chapter Seven Bankruptcy
Chapter seven bankruptcy should only be used in the case of emergency. It’s yet another little free pass the government provides for those of us that are not the best with finances. Chapter seven will wipe all of your debt clean (except school loans), and give you a fresh beginning on your credit. You can only use it once, though, so make sure that it is a learning experience. Also, you can file this sort of bankruptcy without having to pay a lawyer. Everything you need to do so can be found on the internet.